Saturday, January 24, 2009




It has been some time since my last post, hasn't it?



Sorry about that. Been having some crises of a personal nature (not that anyone's DIED or anything. Well, not YET anyway) which have caused somewhat of a ruckus in my life over the last several months (*sigh*) so, to cut a long story short, I haven't really felt much like posting.

My bad : /

I'll try to make it up to you now, although the posts may veer sharply away from the craft related and over towards the personal life from time to time.

You can't say you haven't been warned!!

So, anyhoodle, here are some of my NY resolutions for the fantastic 2009 year.
  1. Craft a bit more. Have been a bit slack on this over the last little while, but I feel like I really should step up to the plate a bit more. I DID join the Perth chapter of Brown Owls yesterday (see either: or for further details), PLUS I'm also toying (no pun intended) with joining up to the Toy Society ( as this meshes in nicely with both this resolution and also resolution # 2;
  2. Continue to try and be socially and environmentally aware. I've already made the switch over to green power with my provider well over a year ago, and although more expensive to obtain, by judicious turning off appliances at the wall and not leaving lights on my power bill is now actually less than it was at the same period last year. And that includes using my uber-expensive and uber-inefficient evaporative air conditioner (sadly I cannot change this as I am a renter...). I also have a Bokashi bin (well two, actually) which I can highly recommend, I use public transport or my pushbike where possible, green bags at the supermarket and as little packaging as possible. I tried a vege patch...but it hasn't worked out too well, so am going back to just herbs and buying veges from the markets;
  3. Focus on me - whilst this might SEEM a little selfish, I just think that I have spent too much time over the last number of years (read 10+) worrying about other people and what they want and think etc etc etc to the detriment of my own 'self'. So, 2009 will be the year of the slightly selfish (in a good way!) Kylie ; )

I think that is all! I don't really have too many vices to give up (no, shoes are not a vice...they are a necessity!!) and I think these three little fellas are eminently achievable and nor are they totally selfishly focused on me, me, me!!

There it is! An update. At last!!