Saturday, November 6, 2010

I need...

...a serious IKEA intervention o_O

Perhaps it would be easier if I just tithed a percentage of my wages directly to their head office in Sweden...


K xx

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The sound of silence...



Yep still here.

Not posting a lot (well, obviously...), but still around.

I've been thinking about the blog a fair bit recently, and I reckon it's time for a wee change of direction.

When I first discovered blogs, and made the decision to start my own, I had visions of becoming some handicrafting maven (aka...well, too many wonderful blogs to mention really!). I had high hopes of regularly posting my crafty stuff and being all wonderful and stuff.

But, then I found I had trouble committing to regular blogging about my crafty pursuits and remaining 'focussed' on my blog. And my handicraft pursuits - such as they were - were really just me following the herd. Nothing new and ground-breaking for me in other words. And, I think that disappointed and somewhat discouraged me. Rightly or wrongly.

Anyways, as my reading of others blogs widened -away from specifically the handicraft based ones and into fashion, DIY, decorating, cooking etc etc, I discovered that although I was reasonably "crafty" and creative myself, there were things I was not...

- A 'leader' in terms of handcrafting / creativity.

- All that keen on vintage / thrifting.

- Able to fully commit to blogging about crafty pursuits in a meaningful and regular fashion.

But, I also discovered things that I WAS...

- wildly interested in home decorating.

- freakishly good at organising.

- apparently also considered somewhat stylish :P

So. This "revelation" (if you will...) has led me to think a trifle more about WKDN and the direction it might go in, and I've decided to recommence the blog, but with a changed direction. A little less of me trying to be like other 'craft' bloggers (which I have discovered I'm not all that!!) and a little more of me, trying to be like, well, me!!

There'll be a little more fashion / personal style commentary.

A modicum more of my home decorating.

Some snippets of organising goodness.

Plus, a trifle of crafting when I think it adds value and is interesting.

Now - a wee disclaimer - I can't make any promises about the regularity of posts! In my defence I hold down a reasonably pressure driven full-time job in Banking (which involves long hours and travl), plus I train for triathlons / Ironman / Half Marathons, and I have a partner who works FIFO (Fly In, Fly Out for those of you not au fait with the acronym :D) in the mining industry. So when he's home, I like to devote my spare time to 'us'.

That said, I'll do my best, and that's really all that can be asked of me!

So, all two of you that read (and I love you, I really do!!) I'm hoping you stick around.

K xxx