Monday, March 29, 2010

Five Faves

This weeks Five Faves:
  1. The new scarf I've just started ( I need another scarf o_O). Love the wool. Love the pattern - now that I've safely negotiated the whole 'ssk' stitch debacle that took me over and hour to work out and ended in some SERIOUS Googling;
  2. My Kathmandu water bottle. Pink. Sits on my desk. Reminds me to keep drinking my water :)
  3. Grana Padano cheese. You MUST try it. Like Parmesan, but betterer (IMHO);
  4. Autumn in Perth. Perfection! and
  5. My boy :) what's not to like? He's lovely ;D

Not liking so much? Bicycle chain rings. Am sporting a rather unattractive bruise cum 5 x curvy scratch on my inner calf due to a bicycling *ahem* incident on the weeked. *sigh* it was a case of the bicycle or me. Given the bike is v expensive, I sacrificed my leg.

Oh dear.

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