Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Decisions, UFO's and Blog Set up.

Decided to have a UFO completion weekend/binge/fortnight (could go on for some time...)

The list is extensive.
  1. Lacy scarf for friend from work;
  2. Baby blanket for another friend. Whose baby is about to turn 2...
  3. Heart quilt that I sewed up and now want to unpick as I don't like it;
  4. Really, really, really old crewel work cushion cover;
  5. Magnet set using plastic canvas;
  6. Set of 6 hardanger embroidered napkins;
  7. Thimbleberries BOM quilt top. Two borders left to sew onto quilt top. Still havent purchased the fabric for the backing;
  8. Assorted cross stitch projects, partly started...
  9. Bento quilt - needs to have the quilting finished and the binding attached;
  10. I am sure there are more lurking.

The oldest item outstanding is a toss up between numbers 5, 4 and 3. Despite best intentions, got bugger all of nothing finished from the above list, although have made some inroads into the scarf. Nearly cried when I had to unpick two whole sections of the pattern due to one dropped stitch...

Anyhoo, must soldier on ;)

Of course I managed to START some new projects - but in my own defence I also managed to finish those as well! A little tote bag to cart my latest small craft project to work with me. Turned out v cute from some FQ's of Japanese fabric I had in my stash. I even managed to do a lining AND a matching handle. Sorted out some of my DMC thread stash, and took them out of the little plastic bags I was storing them in and wound them onto some cardboard organisers I made. Looks great - just like those paint cards you get from the hardware. A couple of cards including a Fathers Day one with some cute origami shirts on the front. A big hit with my Hawaiian shirt loving papa.

Quite frankly, I would probably have got a lot more stuff done if it wasn't for Mr WhatKylieDidNext (or Mr WKDN as we will now refer to him as). Jeez, some people are HIGH MAINTENANCE!!! Completely derailed my plans for a crafty little weekend. Note to self - might as well save these sort of weekends for the ones when he is away at work. Would be MUCH MORE productive.

Apologies for the (quite bare and bland) state of the blog setup. I haven't quite got my head around this whole HTML business (computer nerds out there....I needs your help and I needs it bad...), so things will be changing off and on until I am happy with how it is going :) I did manage to get the HTML Handmade Pledge badge doohickey thingy set up properly, so perhaps all is not lost.

Also ordered some FABULOUS fabrics from various locations. Great ones off eBay. Luscious. Some from Amitie. Some from Etsy. Cannot await their arrival. Plans for fabrics? None. Stash value? Priceless.

Ooh, and I signed up for my first two swaps with SwapBot, so I guess we will see how that goes ;)

On that note, I will leave you with this thought for the day...

"Failure is the condiment that makes success so delicious".

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