So, I am packing up the car and my stuff and heading off on a 800km round trip back down to coastal Albany for a couple of days. Where I will see my folks and might catch up with a few friends and drop into my old workplace to see a few former (but still current) colleagues. B
ut only a couple of days for the visit as a) whilst I love my parents, I can only cope with them for a limited time and b) there's not too many other people down in Albs that I WANT to see and c) I have heaps of stuff to sort out up here in gold, old Perth. Not to mention the Craft and Quilt Show to attend.
Priorities people ;)
Day 10 of 31 (or 365) - Hmm, is it cheating on the 31 Day Challenge if I pre-schedule posts? I mean its not like I cant get Interwebbal service in Albany (there's only one set of traffic lights, mind. But about 200 roundabouts...) or that I'm going to be so busy that I can't squeeze in a blog post...
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